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Manage Anxiety with Magnesium

Taber’s medical dictionary defines anxiety as a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger. Anxiety can also be described as having worrisome thoughts or feelings of nervousness.

It is definitely not unusual to experience some level of anxiety during these times. While there is so much work being done to protect our communities there is still a significant level of uncertainty and fear that most of us are experiencing. Increased levels of anxiety can have an impact on our happiness, mood, productivity, relationships and so much more. Chronic levels of anxiety can even have an impact on our physical health.

The good news is that there are many things that we can do to ease anxiety and encourage greater levels of calmness. In addition to mind-body-medicine techniques and dietary recommendations, I often advise supplementation to support patients who complain of anxiety.

Magnesium, often referred to as ‘Nature’s Chill Pill’, is an important mineral that plays a role in more than 300 biochemical reactions throughout the body. It has a wide range of clinical uses which include addressing cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and endocrine health and much, much more. It is generally well tolerated and can be effective in helping to reduce anxiety and nourish the nervous system. The modern diet tends to be deficient in magnesium due to soil depletion so being sure to include magnesium-rich foods in the diet is important in general. Foods rich in this mineral include green leafy vegetables, raw cacao, nuts, seeds, whole grains, organic GMO-free tofu and dark chocolate. Supplementation can be especially effective in reducing anxiety and can even help with supporting healthy sleeping routines. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of magnesium for adults is 310–420 mg depending on age and gender. Be sure to communicate with your primary healthcare provider before supplementing.

In Health,

Dr. Keats

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